Hulagu Khan, Genghis
Hulagu Khan (1217-1265) is the grandson of Genghis Khan and brother of Kublai Khan and Khan Mónaco.
Hulagu I assume - and or Christian - sent by his brother Mónaco in 1255 to complete three tasks in South West Asia, the first was to subdue the tribe Aler - people in southern Iran, the so-called Lorestan, secondly the destruction of a range Assassins Third, the destruction of the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad.
Hulagu campaign on Iran
Not Hulagu had exceeded the thirty-sixth years old when entrusted with his brother, "Menkoqa Anne," this task came out on top of huge army estimated at 120 thousand soldiers of the finest soldiers the Mongols, as well as senior leaders and knights, and the keenness of the Khan largest to recommend to his brother before moving to abide by the customs and traditions and apply the laws of his grandfather Genghis Khan, and that his goal is to enter the country from the banks of the River "Gihon" to Egypt in the State of the Mongols, and treats of the subject to his authority treated well, and Ivik humiliation of showing resistance even if the caliph himself, he should displaces Under do if they objected to his way.
And achieved Hulagu his first goal to take over castles Ismaili years (654 AH = 1256 AD), after many battles and desperate efforts of members of the community to defend their fortresses and castles, but it did not work about the power of the Mongol army, and was to spend the Mongols of this community to deviant signed Hassan and good effect in the hearts of the Islamic world, and his uncle joy in spite of the suffering and brutality of the Mongols and Svkhm for blood; because Ismailia was broadcast panic and fear in the soul, and the common evil and evil and deviant ideas.
Hulagu in Baghdad
Before Hulagu in achieving his goal the other to take over Baghdad and the elimination of the Abbasid Caliphate; sent to the Caliph Musta'sim threatened and threatening language either, and ask him to engage in obedience and delivery of the capital, and advised him that the speed in responding to his demands; even saves to the same dignity and their own security and stability, "When I lead my army to Baghdad in anger, Saqd you either Ochtbit in heaven or on earth. Sahriq your city and your land and your character. If you really want to protect yourself and your family are esteemed, I hear my advice, and you insist that you will see the will of God in you. ", but the caliph refused this warning and decided to to resist, despite the weakness of his troops and was led from the controversy and hostility, struck Hulagu siege to the stricken city that were not have anything to pay them an inevitable and entered the Mongols Baghdad in (656 AH = 1258 AD) and committed Hulagu and his troops of atrocities, telling of the horror chilling .
Shook the Islamic world to the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate, which Ozlt the Muslim world more than five centuries, and was the grief that filled the hearts of Muslims range so they thought that the world is about to end, and that the time is coming soon to Hall catastrophe that befell them, their sense that they are without a successor, which is Iatadoh not since the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Hulagu invades Sham
Initiated Hulagu after the fall of Baghdad to prepare for the takeover of the Levant and Egypt, according to the plan set developed by his brother, "Menkoqa Anne" went out of Azerbaijan in September (657 AH = 1259) heading to the Levant, and succeeded in cooperation with allies of Christians in the seizure of "Miafarqan" dwellings Aleppo, the first city begins its campaign, Mongol, and did not fall until after two years of the siege, out of which the supplies, and decimated most of the population of the city, after the fall of the "Miafarqan" continued Hulagu creeping toward "Mardin" fell after eight months, and during the siege "Miafarqan" forces of the army of Hulagu invades areas Interviewing was taken over by the "Nisibis" and "Harran" and "Edessa" and "beer."
Thereafter Hulagu at the head of his troops to lay siege to Aleppo, and installation of the Mongols twentieth Mngeniqa on Civil and became Amatarunha with a barrage of shells until surrendered in (the ninth of Safar 658 AH = atheist Thirty-January 1260) and after Aleppo fell Castle "stages" and "Homs" and "Maara ", and became by the campaign open to Damascus.
When she arrived to the news the approaching Mongols from Damascus fled the King, "Nasser Yousef Al Ayoubi," with his forces, leaving his hometown of fate, was not before the people of Damascus after he knew what happened to Aleppo after resistance to Hulagu but to hand over their city, so do not received the fate of Aleppo, rushed a number of notables to leader of the Mongols brought gifts and asking him to safety, in exchange for delivery of their city before Hulagu, the Mongol and entered the city (the seventeenth of Safar 658 AH = 2 February 1260).
Hulagu's sudden departure to Iran
Achievement of the successive victories of the Mongols to believe that he can not power on earth can address them, and were the scourge of God's authority over the Muslims who are focused on comfort and neglected the Qur'an and the Sunnah of their Prophet and sapped their opponents .. In the midst of this confusion came the news to Hulagu the death of his brother, "Menkoqa that Khan" in (Sha'ban 657 H = August 1259) and had to be close to the process of selecting Khan new Mongols, and supports the nomination of his brother's East "Qhobelaa" for the job, was forced to return to Iran He was in his intention to only what he has achieved, but it changed because of the urgency of the Christian forces that were with him to continue in the invasion and the restoration of Jerusalem from the Muslims must separate force under the command of the most skilled Asakereh his generals Kitoboma (Katbugha) to complete the process of invasion.
The end of the myth of the Mongols in the eye of Goliath
Before leaving Hulagu-Sham (the year 658 AH = 1260 AD) was sent to Qtz message are all rejoicing and threatening, urging him to surrender and lay down their arms, and that no point of resistance to the power of books victory always have, but the Sultan Qtz not shake the words of Hulagu, or belong to fear and consternation, and other leaders have opted Sham humiliation of pride and dignity, and life under the dominion of the heathen to death and martyrdom in defense of religion and the homeland.
The Qtz up to the great event, speeches, great tragedy, killing messengers of Hulagu, and came out of the fighting did not wait for the arrival of the Mongols, and the two teams met in (15 Ramadan 658 AH = 24 August 1260) in his "Eye of Goliath" in Palestine, and held the Muslim Mughals who were under the leadership of Katbugha honest campaign, and fight them Bastpsahl and courage from dawn until midday, God wrote them victory, and defeated the Mongols in a humiliating defeat for the first time in their history, after the hearts had despaired of victory for them.
This has had a victory impact the Great in the history of the Arab region and the Islamic world, but in the history of the world as a whole; where Egypt kept of their civilization, civil, and expelled the Mongols from Damascus, and became the Levant up to the Euphrates River, under the rule of the Mamluks, and concluded that Europe of the great evil was not to a kings of ability to pay and resistance.
Hulagu after defeat
Try Hulagu to avenge the defeat of his army in the eye of Goliath, and return to the Mughal prestige in the soul; sent an army to Aleppo Vogar them and looting, but was defeated near Homs in Muharram (659 AH = December 1260), reversing beyond the Euphrates River.
Did not help the political Mogul to restore Hulagu his conquests on the Levant and completed what he started, after the death of "Menkoqa Ann" conflict of Princes House, the ruling power and split the Mughal Empire to three boxes independently, take the Hulagu one of them is the Khanate of Persia, then entered the Hulagu in conflict with " Berke "Golden Horde, the Mongols Alqubjaq (South Russia) and war broke out between them.
The Hulagu is himself a champion and protector of the Christian influence of his wife, "Tgazz Khatun" in the time he becomes Muslim Berke and money to support the Muslims, and this led to the conflict to disrupt the military activities of Hulagu in the Levant, and then he led the outbreak of internal wars between the princes of the Mongols to the suspension of operations invasion and expansion altogether.
Hulagu encourages scientists
Despite what is known by Hulagu of strength and ruggedness and extravagance in the killing and bloodshed, it has not ignored the promotion of men of literature and science, had widespread "Jouini" of Persian known estimate Hulagu, and succeeded in persuading Hulagu not to burn the Library of Ismailia, and the result was Arthalh to Mongolia and standing on the There are cases that the author of "History of Genghis Khan and his successors." And affect him that he instructed sports world, "Nasir al-Din al-Tusi" building an observatory in the city of "wallowing" gave him the smallest devices known in his time, and said that the library was established by al-Tusi and inflicted the Observatory contains more than 400 thousand volumes.
The death of Hulagu
In (19 of the first spring 663 e 9 January 1265 AD) died Hulagu near Maragheh is in the eighth and forty years old, leaving to his sons and grandsons of the Kingdom of spacious known Belkhanih Persia, was soon his wife, "Tgazz Khatun," that he suffered, and sorrow on their passing Christians in the Middle, and Adoheme of the saints.
Source Cham Community Forums: # ixzz1aCNqRyLc
Hulagu Khan (1217-1265) is the grandson of Genghis Khan and brother of Kublai Khan and Khan Mónaco.
Hulagu I assume - and or Christian - sent by his brother Mónaco in 1255 to complete three tasks in South West Asia, the first was to subdue the tribe Aler - people in southern Iran, the so-called Lorestan, secondly the destruction of a range Assassins Third, the destruction of the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad.
Hulagu campaign on Iran
Not Hulagu had exceeded the thirty-sixth years old when entrusted with his brother, "Menkoqa Anne," this task came out on top of huge army estimated at 120 thousand soldiers of the finest soldiers the Mongols, as well as senior leaders and knights, and the keenness of the Khan largest to recommend to his brother before moving to abide by the customs and traditions and apply the laws of his grandfather Genghis Khan, and that his goal is to enter the country from the banks of the River "Gihon" to Egypt in the State of the Mongols, and treats of the subject to his authority treated well, and Ivik humiliation of showing resistance even if the caliph himself, he should displaces Under do if they objected to his way.
And achieved Hulagu his first goal to take over castles Ismaili years (654 AH = 1256 AD), after many battles and desperate efforts of members of the community to defend their fortresses and castles, but it did not work about the power of the Mongol army, and was to spend the Mongols of this community to deviant signed Hassan and good effect in the hearts of the Islamic world, and his uncle joy in spite of the suffering and brutality of the Mongols and Svkhm for blood; because Ismailia was broadcast panic and fear in the soul, and the common evil and evil and deviant ideas.
Hulagu in Baghdad
Before Hulagu in achieving his goal the other to take over Baghdad and the elimination of the Abbasid Caliphate; sent to the Caliph Musta'sim threatened and threatening language either, and ask him to engage in obedience and delivery of the capital, and advised him that the speed in responding to his demands; even saves to the same dignity and their own security and stability, "When I lead my army to Baghdad in anger, Saqd you either Ochtbit in heaven or on earth. Sahriq your city and your land and your character. If you really want to protect yourself and your family are esteemed, I hear my advice, and you insist that you will see the will of God in you. ", but the caliph refused this warning and decided to to resist, despite the weakness of his troops and was led from the controversy and hostility, struck Hulagu siege to the stricken city that were not have anything to pay them an inevitable and entered the Mongols Baghdad in (656 AH = 1258 AD) and committed Hulagu and his troops of atrocities, telling of the horror chilling .
Shook the Islamic world to the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate, which Ozlt the Muslim world more than five centuries, and was the grief that filled the hearts of Muslims range so they thought that the world is about to end, and that the time is coming soon to Hall catastrophe that befell them, their sense that they are without a successor, which is Iatadoh not since the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Hulagu invades Sham
Initiated Hulagu after the fall of Baghdad to prepare for the takeover of the Levant and Egypt, according to the plan set developed by his brother, "Menkoqa Anne" went out of Azerbaijan in September (657 AH = 1259) heading to the Levant, and succeeded in cooperation with allies of Christians in the seizure of "Miafarqan" dwellings Aleppo, the first city begins its campaign, Mongol, and did not fall until after two years of the siege, out of which the supplies, and decimated most of the population of the city, after the fall of the "Miafarqan" continued Hulagu creeping toward "Mardin" fell after eight months, and during the siege "Miafarqan" forces of the army of Hulagu invades areas Interviewing was taken over by the "Nisibis" and "Harran" and "Edessa" and "beer."
Thereafter Hulagu at the head of his troops to lay siege to Aleppo, and installation of the Mongols twentieth Mngeniqa on Civil and became Amatarunha with a barrage of shells until surrendered in (the ninth of Safar 658 AH = atheist Thirty-January 1260) and after Aleppo fell Castle "stages" and "Homs" and "Maara ", and became by the campaign open to Damascus.
When she arrived to the news the approaching Mongols from Damascus fled the King, "Nasser Yousef Al Ayoubi," with his forces, leaving his hometown of fate, was not before the people of Damascus after he knew what happened to Aleppo after resistance to Hulagu but to hand over their city, so do not received the fate of Aleppo, rushed a number of notables to leader of the Mongols brought gifts and asking him to safety, in exchange for delivery of their city before Hulagu, the Mongol and entered the city (the seventeenth of Safar 658 AH = 2 February 1260).
Hulagu's sudden departure to Iran
Achievement of the successive victories of the Mongols to believe that he can not power on earth can address them, and were the scourge of God's authority over the Muslims who are focused on comfort and neglected the Qur'an and the Sunnah of their Prophet and sapped their opponents .. In the midst of this confusion came the news to Hulagu the death of his brother, "Menkoqa that Khan" in (Sha'ban 657 H = August 1259) and had to be close to the process of selecting Khan new Mongols, and supports the nomination of his brother's East "Qhobelaa" for the job, was forced to return to Iran He was in his intention to only what he has achieved, but it changed because of the urgency of the Christian forces that were with him to continue in the invasion and the restoration of Jerusalem from the Muslims must separate force under the command of the most skilled Asakereh his generals Kitoboma (Katbugha) to complete the process of invasion.
The end of the myth of the Mongols in the eye of Goliath
Before leaving Hulagu-Sham (the year 658 AH = 1260 AD) was sent to Qtz message are all rejoicing and threatening, urging him to surrender and lay down their arms, and that no point of resistance to the power of books victory always have, but the Sultan Qtz not shake the words of Hulagu, or belong to fear and consternation, and other leaders have opted Sham humiliation of pride and dignity, and life under the dominion of the heathen to death and martyrdom in defense of religion and the homeland.
The Qtz up to the great event, speeches, great tragedy, killing messengers of Hulagu, and came out of the fighting did not wait for the arrival of the Mongols, and the two teams met in (15 Ramadan 658 AH = 24 August 1260) in his "Eye of Goliath" in Palestine, and held the Muslim Mughals who were under the leadership of Katbugha honest campaign, and fight them Bastpsahl and courage from dawn until midday, God wrote them victory, and defeated the Mongols in a humiliating defeat for the first time in their history, after the hearts had despaired of victory for them.
This has had a victory impact the Great in the history of the Arab region and the Islamic world, but in the history of the world as a whole; where Egypt kept of their civilization, civil, and expelled the Mongols from Damascus, and became the Levant up to the Euphrates River, under the rule of the Mamluks, and concluded that Europe of the great evil was not to a kings of ability to pay and resistance.
Hulagu after defeat
Try Hulagu to avenge the defeat of his army in the eye of Goliath, and return to the Mughal prestige in the soul; sent an army to Aleppo Vogar them and looting, but was defeated near Homs in Muharram (659 AH = December 1260), reversing beyond the Euphrates River.
Did not help the political Mogul to restore Hulagu his conquests on the Levant and completed what he started, after the death of "Menkoqa Ann" conflict of Princes House, the ruling power and split the Mughal Empire to three boxes independently, take the Hulagu one of them is the Khanate of Persia, then entered the Hulagu in conflict with " Berke "Golden Horde, the Mongols Alqubjaq (South Russia) and war broke out between them.
The Hulagu is himself a champion and protector of the Christian influence of his wife, "Tgazz Khatun" in the time he becomes Muslim Berke and money to support the Muslims, and this led to the conflict to disrupt the military activities of Hulagu in the Levant, and then he led the outbreak of internal wars between the princes of the Mongols to the suspension of operations invasion and expansion altogether.
Hulagu encourages scientists
Despite what is known by Hulagu of strength and ruggedness and extravagance in the killing and bloodshed, it has not ignored the promotion of men of literature and science, had widespread "Jouini" of Persian known estimate Hulagu, and succeeded in persuading Hulagu not to burn the Library of Ismailia, and the result was Arthalh to Mongolia and standing on the There are cases that the author of "History of Genghis Khan and his successors." And affect him that he instructed sports world, "Nasir al-Din al-Tusi" building an observatory in the city of "wallowing" gave him the smallest devices known in his time, and said that the library was established by al-Tusi and inflicted the Observatory contains more than 400 thousand volumes.
The death of Hulagu
In (19 of the first spring 663 e 9 January 1265 AD) died Hulagu near Maragheh is in the eighth and forty years old, leaving to his sons and grandsons of the Kingdom of spacious known Belkhanih Persia, was soon his wife, "Tgazz Khatun," that he suffered, and sorrow on their passing Christians in the Middle, and Adoheme of the saints.
Source Cham Community Forums: # ixzz1aCNqRyLc
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