Saturday, 8 October 2011

Nineveh and Mosul Christian

Nineveh and Mosul Christian
Mosul, Nineveh cities sisters if the name of one of them shall notify the thinking listener or reader the other city. Has taken the Assyrians of Nineveh, capital of their year 1080 BC. M Bdaaa Bthchinha and arbitration and set up around the castles, and the castles, set up lines of defense against the enemies castle, which was on the west side of against the Tigris River Nineveh, which was called Fort Alabora * Well Abrja and meaning of the castle on the other side and known as the supervisor of the Hill Kulaiat plains facing the capital of Nineveh.
This was the castle nucleus of the city of Mosul and in 612 BC. M fell Ninoybad raging battle with the Medes and Chaldeans resorted occupiers to destroy the city has not delivered the Castle Bank * fortress-west * of lethality and destruction of enemies, then the situation has calmed and returned people to Nineveh and founded their fortress on a hill repentance . Also, some of them returned to the fort western Farammoh and dwelt therein, and in the fourth century BC. m expansion of the fort, and increased building and construction until it became the village of Shan states and continued to expand until it became known in Mosul.

Formation of Mosul:
Will pick the topics of this connector since it seemed it was founded, and stages of Mosul since the introduction of Christianity at the hands of the Apostles ancients as well as they occur between two major Empires Persian and Romanian. And was inhabited before the opening of the Islamic year 16 AH 637 AD the majority of Christian static in areas close to each other and also number of Jews and worshipers of idols and they fire the Yazidi Kurds. and after that the income ladder after the conquistadors Mfa Dhat with residents and the Arabs Altkirtien the role.
Successively governors Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads and the Abbasids, as well as in the Covenant Hamdani and Aqili and Seljuk and Atabeg and after the fall of Baghdad by the Tartars in 1257 AD and then remained Mosul and its parties, however, the Persians sometimes and Ottomans at other times that dominated Alihaalosmaon time of Suleiman bin Sultan Selim. He took Mosul after a number of governors that he had been carrying Haj Hussein Pasha bin Ismail Pasha Galilean Musli year 1730. Bear calm and peace in his time to the city and in the meantime, attacked the Mosul Nadir Shah twice and most recently in 1743 AD, but the city withstood Petkatv its people, both Christians and Muslims to build the gaps which was caused when Nadir Shah's army artillery throw of the city as well as the resilience of the people against the invaders.

A story told by the people of Mosul, Christians and Muslims there is a divine power, acting for Nadarshah where he tells some of the people of the Virgin Mary that is respected by the people of the city was shown and received enemy fire from the city.

Features of the city of Mosul:
I like to touch on these subjects Aamuslslh archaeological relics of the city of Mosul churches and Adirhokzlk celebrities Mosul clergy, scientists, doctors and families of the city famous, which is in the hundreds, who had a key role in building the modern city and the role of architects Mosalion where especially the construction of gypsum plaster, stone and node Aekadh Almsalawihkan Mosalionukanwa is creative by offering their services to nearby villages where no one can Ijarém that their time in the construction work. The building also includes Anakarh where he specialized
By Alngaron Christians from the people of Mosul and their work still remains in the works of sculpture on marble marble inside and outside the churches and mosques, especially the doors and niches. And will dwell Aaza to the names of celebrities Mosul at the beginning of the twentieth century and the middle and to the present day and God bless.

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