Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein) (lived between 14 March 1879 to April 18 (April) 1955). In the world of theoretical physics, was born in Germany, and received a dual Swiss and American, and condemns the Jewish religion. The author of the famous theory of general relativity. In 1921 won the Nobel Prize in physics.
Einstein was born in the German city of Ulm in 1879 and spent years of his youth in Munich. His father was a "Hermann Einstein" works in the sale of feathers used in the manufacture of pillows, and his mother worked "Ni Pauline Koch" with him in the management of a small workshop to manufacture electrical appliances after giving up the profession of selling the feathers. Einstein was delayed until the child's speech three years old, but he showed great passion for nature, and the ability to understand difficult mathematical concepts, have been studied for Euclidean geometry alone. In spite of his membership in the Jewish, Einstein has entered a Catholic middle school and received lessons in playing the violin. At the age of five, his father gave him a compass, and Einstein realized then that there is power in space are influencing the compass needle, and you move.
Interestingly, one of greatest minds of the twentieth century was suffering from difficulty in absorption, perhaps due to the shame of this man in his childhood. Rumour has it that Einstein had failed the child in the math later, however, likely that the amendment in the evaluation of grades students then raised that the child had been delayed and Einstein failed in mathematics. And the adoption of two of uncles Einstein's care and attention to this child support science in general Vzodah books related to science and mathematics.
After repeated losses of the workshop set up by his parents in 1894, his family moved to the city of Milan in Italy, and took advantage of Einstein's son the opportunity to withdraw from school in Munich, which disliked the strict regime stifling, and spirit. Spent after Einstein's years with his parents in the city of Milan to show that he must determine the way in life; finished the high school in the town of Arua Aarua Swiss, and provide after exams Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Zürich in 1895, and I like Einstein's methods of teaching it, He often cut into his time to study the physics alone, or playing the violin. That passed the exams and graduated in 1900. But the teachers did not Arahoh to enter the university.
Einstein was to have waived his official papers for the German in 1896, making him no identity or affiliation with any particular country! In 1898, Einstein met with "Mylva Maric, Mileva Maric" his colleague on the Serbian school and fall for, and was in the study period, discuss with close friends in the science subjects. After graduating in 1900, Einstein's work substitute teacher, and in the following year, Einstein received the right to Swiss citizenship, and illegal baby girl they call from his girlfriend (to Asearl) in January (January) of 1901.
Daring the world Einstein in his youth prevented him from obtaining suitable employment in the teaching corps, but with the help of the father of a fellow school got a job as examiner (Laboratory) in the Office of the Swiss patent in 1902. Einstein married his girlfriend, "Mylva" in the January 6 (January) 1903 and had a son, said bore the name "Hans" in the 14 of May in 1904. In the meantime, the work of Einstein in the Swiss registry office always, and preparing for the doctoral dissertation in the same period, and managed to get his Ph.D. in 1905 from the University of Zurich, and was the subject of the message is about the dimensions of molecules. In the same year, Einstein wrote 4 articles science without reference to many of the scientific literature or to consult with his fellow academics, and this is the first step of scientific articles of modern physics that we know today.
Einstein studied in the paper first so-called Brownian motion Brownian motion, introduced many of the predictions about the movement of particles randomly distributed in the liquid. Einstein knew "the father of relativity," the theory that shook the world of science, the Nobel Prize was awarded to him in another area (photoelectric effect), which was the subject of the second paper. Amazingly, the four papers by Einstein is addressing the idea of theoretical physics and match them with the logical consequences of that idea and experimental findings and theory, which dazzles scientists baffled at the time.
Einstein's scientific paper was about the third "special theory of relativity." Grabbed a paper, time, place, and mass and energy. And contributed to Einstein's theory by removing the uncertainty caused by a famous experiment conducted by two U.S. physicist "Albert Michelson and chemist Edward Morley," the late nineteenth century in 1887, has proved Einstein that light waves can be spread in the open without the need for a central or field, unlike the waves Other well-known that need to be the center of the spread such as air or water! And that the speed of light is constant speed and not with the relative movement of the observer (observed). It should be noted that Einstein's theory that contrasted completely with the conclusions of the "Isaac Newton". Stunned the world of special relativity Einstein's theory of absolute truth, because of time and space and dimensions are rejected. Revocation came to be called the theory to distinguish between them and the subsequent Einstein's theory of relativity, which was named General.
In 1906 Einstein elevated the career ladder to the rank of technical examiner second class, and in 1908, granting leave to give classes and lectures, "Berne" in Switzerland. The baby was born the second of Einstein, who was named "Edward" on 28 July 1910, and divorced Einstein after his wife Mylva on 14 February 1919 and later married the daughter of his uncle, "Elsa Lowenthal," which older than three years on 2 June 1919.
One does not know until this time nothing about the fate of Einstein's first child from his wife of illegal Mylva; as some believe she died in infancy, and others believe that they had given her parents and those who do not have children for adoption. As for the children of Einstein, one of whom has schizophrenia and died later in a mental clinic, who took treatment and care. The second son, moved to California to live in America and then became a professor (Dr.) at the university, and his contacts were with his father is very limited.
In 1914 and before World War I, Einstein settled in the city, "Berlin", Germany. It was not Einstein advocates of the war, but he was a Jew, causing a sense of national Germans upset about this man, and the upsurge of this resentment to Einstein by the national German when Einstein became known worldwide after it emerged magazine the "Time" of America in the November 7 (November) 1919 with an article confirming the validity of Einstein's theory of gravity.
Subsequent years
The arrival of the leader Adolf Hitler to power in 1933 the growing hatred towards Einstein Vathmh National Socialists (Nazis) established a "Jewish physics", as some scientists have tried Germans to undermine the rights of Einstein in his theories which led Einstein to escape to the United States of America, which awarded him in turn to establish permanent, and engaged in "Advanced Studies Institute" at the University of Princeton in New Jersey. In 1940, Einstein became a U.S. citizen while retaining the Swiss nationality.
Recent years
Offered to the Israeli government to Einstein's head of state in 1952, but Einstein rejected the Israeli offer. In 1955, died in Einstein without finding a solution to the Theory of Gravitation, and burning his body in the city, "Trenton" in the state of "New Jersey" on April 18 ( April) 1955, and scattering the ashes of the body in an undisclosed location, and save the world, Einstein's brain in a jar at the coroner "Thomas Harvey", who performed the autopsy on his body after his death.
Einstein was thought to "the God who in tune with all that exists in the universe is not God who intervenes in human behavior and Bokdar!" In a direct question from the nearest to the religious beliefs, he replied Einstein as "Buddhism." Albert Einstein was Jewish religion and doctrine among those who escaped and fled from the Holocaust by the Nazi Abad thousands
Selections from the words of Einstein
Two things hunters who have no limits, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.
The most important thing is to not stop questioning.
Is the most beautiful sense of mystery, it is the source of art and science.
All that is great and inspiring man made work freely.
Should not the fact the theory, not fact.
Insanity is to do the thing again and again and expecting a different result.
The truth is proof before the exam experience.
Any fool can make things look bigger and more complicated, but you need to brave a genius to make it look otherwise.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
The truth is only an illusion, but they are fixed.
Human life begins, when it can out of life itself.
I do not think about the future, it comes quickly.
Of not mistaken, did not try something new.
Science is wonderful, if you were not living by it.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
Science is not only to rearrange your mind daily.
We can not solve the problem using the same mindset that created them.
Culture is what remains after that forget what you learned in school.
Equations the most important for me, the policy of the present and the equation of eternity.
If A = success. The a = b + c + y. Where B = work. C = play. Y = keep your mouth closed.
The closer the laws of reality are not fixed, and the closer of stability has become unrealistic.
I do not know the weapon that will use rights in the third world war, but I know that he would use the stick and stone in World War IV.
The most precious thing in the world is a brilliant idea or intuition.
The only thing that let him intervene in a scientific and my research is my culture and my information private.
Science without science is lame, religion without science is blind.
I'm not talented, I'm curious.
If I lived again to choose to be Moasergee.
Between past, present and future, there is no illusion in the thinking of the human mind .. if you have noticed that - sad times we feel it's long days, while experiencing the joy Kadakkikh - these are relative.
Better bad habit of silent virtue Mtcabrh.
Intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the mind is a reasonable server fruitful .. Achtlguena have a society that respects the server and forget the gift of the Holy.
All religions, arts and sciences spin on the same tree.
The relative teaches ligament or the relationship between the different descriptions of a thing with the truth itself.
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